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Qian Xiang: the real cold winter is in the oil industry

Qian Xiang, President of Ge oil & gas China
Sina Financial News co sponsored by "talent magazine", "Sina" and "Beijing Youth Daily", "2015 (fifteenth) China annual management conference" was held in Beijing in November 13th.
Qian Xiang said, many people may be of the Ge in July this year announced oil and gas to ge financial stripping problem very interested, we CEO to Chinese, someone asked why Ge financial industry played such a big role in the history of the Ge, now want to sell, he replied: "if you have a piece of money investment in the industry can give you a 17% return on investment in the financial, now has 8% return, how would you do".
In fact, the real winter in the oil industry, we are now in the mode of operation is also more diverse, now with Ge financial leasing, loans to customers, we feel that the only way to the oil industry, and together with our customers to spend the winter heating.
Sina statement: all conference records are on-site shorthand collation, without the speaker's review, Sina published this article for the purpose of transmitting more information, does not mean to agree with its views or to confirm its description
Published at: 2017-10-09 08:41:19